D.06.10. Final Version of the Health AdCoS

This document describes the final implementation of the Health AdCoS and feedback to the HF-RTP. Since there are multiple AdCoS’s for the Health domain, each chapter covers a separate AdCoS. Each chapter starts with a short AdCoS introduction, followed by a description how the MTT’s from the HF-RTP have been integrated. The benefits of the HoliDes approach for qualification and certification is described. Furthermore, an impression of the HMI is given. Finally, each chapter concludes with feedback and recommendations.
The order in which the AdCoS’s are described in this document is derived from the overall health application scenario, which describes the flow of a patient through the hospital:
1. Medical consult
 Operator task schedule
 Querying open EHR Data
2. MRI examination
 Guided patient positioning
 Robust VCG triggering
 Safe parallel transmit scanning
3. iXR treatment
 3D Acquisition
4. Data analysis, reporting
 Internal analysis and reporting

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