About HoliDes
HoliDes: Holistic Human Factors and System Design of Adaptive Cooperative Human-Machine Systems
Aeronautics: Training AdCoS
The Training AdCoS is one of the demonstrators of the HoliDes project coming from the WP7 - Aeronautics domain- implemented by OFFIS, Lufthansa and Truestream.
Pilot's state detection
Operator's workload and cognitive distraction assessment in the Aeronautic domain resulting from the collaboration of Tecnalia, Honeywell, TWT, and the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.
HF-RTP tools applied to Aeronautics
Video about the HF-RTP tools EDA (Experiment Data Archive) and RTMaps in the Aeronautics domain realized by Tecnalia, Honeywell and Intempora.
Adapted Assistance AdCoS video (CRF, REL, UTO, OFFIS and SNV)
Demo video of the Adapted Assistance AdCoS realized within the HoliDes project from the collaboration of Centro Ricerche Fiat, RE:Lab, Università di Torino, OFFIS and Scienza Nuova.
Adapted Automation AdCoS video (DLR, TWT, Ibeo)
The Adapted Automation AdCos is one of the HoliDes project demonstrators in the Automotive domain. It addresses different key features to realize an advanced cooperation and adaptation between a machine agent and a human driver. The adaptation takes into account the capabilities, needs and preferences of the driver, the environmental conditions, as well as human factors like the cognitive distraction of the driver.