How to view MTT usage statistics in the Platform Builder?
How to view MTT usage statistics in the Platform Builder?
The idea is to show to the users the methods techniques and tools(MTT) used for a specific domain.
The users can see the number of MTT used by themselves in a graphic environment, the platform builder app provides a pie chart including different colors for each MTT. Statistics functionality gives an idea about which and why is the most used tools for each domain.
How can we create a new HF-RTP instance in the Platform Builder?
How can we create a new HF-RTP instance in the Platform Builder?
Managing MTTs in the Platform Builder
Managing MTTs in the Platform Builder
How can we log in the Platform Builder app?
How can we log in the Platform Builder app?
The Platform Builder app has been developed in a security environment, in a first step has been thought for a HoliDes users that can manage, create MTTS and instance HF-RTP.
The idea is that each user can create their own registration, in a friendly app. The credentials for the user allows to get all the instance HF-RTP and projects created by the user.
OSLC - Introduction to the core concepts
A short video by Airbus Group Innovations explaining the core concepts used by Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC).
Airbus Group Innovations is the research division of Airbus Group. As modern aircraft are extremely complex and Airbus engineering teams are spread across many countries, efficient collaboration is a key topic. OSLC has been identified as one way to enhance collaboration between different engineering domains working is disparate teams.
What is an RTP? An OSLC based approach to Human Factors
In the HoliDes project were are using the RTP concept to allow human factors tools to collaborate. This short video explains what an RTP, how OSLC can support us and what we will have at the end of the HoliDes project.