Ecole Nationale De L'Aviation Civile ( Enac )


In Holides project, ENAC is involved in management and technical tasks.

For management tasks, ENAC is WP4 (Model-Based Human Factors Analysis Techniques & Tools) leader in charge of coordination of work package partners' activities and interface with project management.. Moreover, ENAC is task 2.5 (Human-Machine Interaction Models) and task 4.1 (Analysis of Requirements) leader. Finally, ENAC is national coordinator of all partners for French government.

Concerning technical task, ENAC is involved in task 2.5 in the definition of a formal modelling language (including syntax & semantic) dedicated to the description of relevant parts of Human-Machine interfaces. This language will be associated with a XML description for describing and assessing adaptive multi-modal human-machine interfaces and to ease interface with other Holides tools. A dedicated model editor will also be provided. In WP4, ENAC contribution is related to techniques and tools for the simulation and formal verification of models for Human-Machine interfaces, and their integration to the RTP (Reference Technology Platform) platform
