RE:lab s.r.l.


RE:Lab is a research-oriented SME, whose mission is focused on the interaction engineering concept, that is on finding and shaping the best fitting between humans and technological devices. Thanks to the close cooperation with surrounding economical clusters (more than 300 companies, most of them in the area of automotive, mechatronic and logistic in one of the richest economic area in Italy) RE:Lab operates in several different industrial domains as automotive, transportation, industrial automation and consumer electronics.

In HoliDes, RE:Lab’s contribution is mainly focused on WP8 (Control Rooms) and WP9 (Automotive). In WP8, RE:Lab contributes to modelling and implementing cross-cultural adaptive HMI as well as interfaces for the management of emergency calls. In WP9 RE:Lab supports SNV and CRF in collecting the requirements and building cognitive distraction models and contributes to the evaluation of the implemented automotive adaptive systems. RE:Lab also participates in other WPs, with a special mention to WP5 (Empirical Human Factors Analysis Techniques & Tools), where RE:Lab leads Task 5.4, which aims at defining and developing empirical techniques for Human Factor models and AdCoS validation.

HoliDes project will allow to improve RE:Lab’s expertise in the design, development and implementation of HMI systems. RE:Lab also expects HoliDes to contribute to the consolidation of its position in the automotive market and to open new market possibilities in the Control Room domain.
